

For international admissions information please contact:









For Additional Required Documentation, 见下文.



Delta State University welcomes 国际学生 to the Mississippi Delta. Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree, we 有 the right academic program for you. Our goal in 国际学生服务, a Division of the Student Success Center, is to be a home away from home for our international student body.

Our international advisors help you receive one-on-one assistance, guidance 和 advice from the very beginning of the application 和 enrollment process, 在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载期间, 和毕业后. Delta State University is a public institution with multiple degree programs. 本科 programs provide educational opportunities in the Arts 和 Sciences, 业务, 教育/人文科学, 和护理. 研究生 和 继续研究 programs include options at the masters, 教育专家, 和 doctoral levels that provide advanced training in a broad range of disciplines.

As you connect with Delta State’s 国际学生服务, you will find out why so many students choose to make Delta State University their home away from home. Click here to learn more about 国际学生服务.




Students 谁 有 earned a high school diploma but do 不 有 any college credit.


Students 谁 有 earned some college credit from a不her college or 大学.


Students 谁 有 earned a bachelor’s degree 和 want to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree.


1. 班.S. 成绩单评估

Please see the specific academic program 网站 for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, 重新开始.  Please be aware that “Traditional Programs” are the only graduate level programs eligible for F1 visa approval.

Please request that an official/complete SpanTran, 韦斯, or ECE transcript evaluation for each previously attended non-U.S. school/大学 be submitted directly to Delta State University 国际学生服务.

Spantran - Students using our SpanTran portal receive a discount.

  • 所需的评估类型
    • High school transcript evaluation – “document-by-document”
    • 班.S. 大学 transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”

Request Evaluation >>  Spantran

    • If you 有 attended more than one non-U.S. 大学, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. 曾就读大学.


  • 所需的评估类型
    • High school transcript evaluation – “general with grade average”
    • 班.S. 大学 transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”
  • Request evaluation >> 韦斯链接此处
    • If you 有 attended more than one non-U.S. 大学, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. 曾就读大学.


  • 所需的评估类型
    • High school transcript evaluation – “general with grade average”
    • 班.S. 大学 transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”
  • Request evaluation >> 欧洲经委会链接此处
    • If you 有 attended more than one non-U.S. 大学, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. 曾就读大学.

2. U.S. 成绩单

如果你上过美国大学.S. 大学或学院, please request an official/final transcript be submitted to Delta State 国际学生服务 either electronic所有y through ESCRIPT or mailed from previous 大学 to:

Coordinator of 国际学生服务/PDSO

3. 官方ACT或SAT成绩报告

An official SAT or ACT score report will need to be submitted from the testing center to Delta State University.

School code for needed for testing centers:

  • Sat = 1163
  • 法案= 002190


An SAT or ACT score report is required for:

  • 大一新生
  • 从U转帐.S. 未完成学业的大学 所有 下面列出了30个学时
    • 6小时-英语作文
    • 3 hours – College Algebra (or higher math)
    • 6小时-实验室科学
    • 6小时-行为科学
    • 9 hours – 转移able Academic Electives


  • 从U转学.S. 大学 with 所有 30 semester hours listed above 和 2.0(或以上)累积绩点.
  • 从非大学转学.S. 大学 with a minimum of one academic year of study with a 2.0(或以上)累积绩点.

4. 英语水平测试

An official 托福考试 or 雅思考试 score report will need to be submitted from the testing center to Delta State University, 国际学生服务.


  • 接受的最低分数:
    • 基于互联网的测试- 70
    • 基于纸的测试- 525
    • 基于计算机的测试——196
  • Request score report >>



English language proficiency tests are required for:

  • 大一新生 or international transfer students from Non-English speaking countries.
  • 转移 students 谁 有 不 completed 30 semester hour transfer requirement from U.S. 大学.

English language proficiency tests are waived for:

  • Students from an English speaking country 谁 can provide an official senior certificate or official letter from high school stating that education was completed primarily in the English language.
  • 转移 students that 有 completed 30 semester hour transfer requirement from U.S. 大学.

5. 医疗需求

DSU requires 所有 international applicants submit verification of 2 immunizations for measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹(MMR) & 2), along with an official TB chest x-ray report indicating the applicant does 不 有 any signs of tuberculosis, prior to receiving 大学 acceptance or creation of the I-20.

Athletic applicants will be required to also submit a sickle cell blood test in addition to the MMR 1 & 2和TB文档.  镰状细胞血检报告会 hinder acceptance or creation of the I-20.


MMR 1 & 2 .免疫记录

  • 必须注明你已经完成了吗 两个 vaccinations for each of the following: measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和 rubella.
  • Record must be signed/dated by the doctor 和 translated into English.
  • 的验证 两个 vaccinations for MMR must be submitted for 大学 acceptance 和 creation of I-20.


  • X-ray report must clearly indicate each of the following 和 be dated within 1 year of program start date:
    • 申请人的名字
    • Test results: “Positive for signs of tuberculosis” (shows signs of TB) or “Negative for signs of tuberculosis” (shows no signs of TB)
    • Doctor’s name (typed) 和 h和written signature
    • Be on official medical facility’s letterhead
    • 翻译成英文
  • Must be submitted for 大学 acceptance 和 creation of I-20.

6. 经济支持宣誓书

Download 经济支持宣誓书

  • Estimated financial breakdown for one academic year listed on bottom of page 1 of 经济支持宣誓书.
  • Applicant will need to fill out page 1/sign bottom of page 2.
  • Whoever agrees to be financi所有y responsible for applicant while he/she is enrolled at Delta State will need to fill out the sponsor section on page 2.
    • 最多可以有2个财务保荐人.
  • This is required even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.

7. 财务银行对账单

  • This will need to be an official bank statement for 谁ever completes financial sponsor section of Declaration of Financial Support.
  • The statement meet 所有 of the following requirements:
    • 显示账户所有者(赞助商) & bank/financial institution’s name 和 address
    • Show minimum available account balance equal to/greater than agreed sponsorship amount.
    • Be current within the 6 months of DSU program start date
    • 必须签名盖章, dated by an official bank representative
    • Clearly list type of currency being used
  • This will need to be submitted 和 the available account balance must be equal to/greater than agreed sponsorship amount, even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.

8. 住房


  • 新生 ——要求 (年满21岁者除外) for 两个 years of enrollment/completion of 60 credit hours.
  • 转移 with less than 60 大学 credit hours ——要求 (年满21岁者除外) for first year of enrollment/completion of 60 credit hours.
  • 60或以上学时转学 -可选,但 强烈建议 the first year of enrollment to 所有ow time to become familiar with the town/community, view/compare rental property in person before signing lease, 和/or meet potential roommate(s) to reduce cost of off-campus housing expenses.

9. 国际宿舍包

国际学生服务 强烈 建议s 所有的 国际学生 谁打算活下去? 在校园里购买n国际 宿舍Kit 所以他们有 以下项目 readily available upon arrival to campus.  

  • 两张单张(一张平张/一张贴纸) 
  • 轻量级的毯子 
  • 标准枕头 
  • 浴巾 
  • 擦手巾 
  • 洗衣服 
  • 小洗衣篮 
  • 厕纸 

DSU 国际学生服务 will make a trip to Walmart during New Student Orientation so 新 students can purchase school supplies, food/snacks, pe个人物品等. However, 沃尔玛之旅 scheduled 1-2 days after students arrive on campus for orientation. 因此,学生住在校园里 不是预购d a dorm kit may be unable to purchase the items listed above until a few days after arriving on campus.


10. 国际学生保险

DSU requires 所有 国际学生 be enrolled in DSU’s international student health insurance. Students are automatic所有y enrolled upon acceptance 和 re新ed throughout enrollment. Coverage begins on the program start date (first day of classes), is set up in 6 month increments (August 1 – January 31, 二月一日至七月三十一日), 和 will be automatic所有y re新ed each semester of enrollment throughout graduation.

If you begin enrollment with DSU during the spring semester, your 1st insurance payment may be more than the amount indicated on your Declaration of Financial Support because you will need to be covered for an additional month (January).

请参阅我们的 国际 Insurance Summary of Benefits to see a list of services that will be covered by the group policy. For more information, please see the DSU approved international student insurance 网站.


1. 班.S. 成绩单评估

Please see the specific academic program 网站 for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, 重新开始.  Please be aware that “Traditional Programs” are the only graduate level programs eligible for F1 visa approval.

Please request that an official/complete SpanTran, 韦斯, or ECE transcript evaluation for each previously attended non-U.S. school/大学 be submitted directly to Delta State University 国际学生服务.

SpanTran - Students using our SpanTran portal receive a discount.

  • 所需的评估类型 – “course-by-course”
  • Request Evaluation >>  Spantran
    • If you 有 attended more than one non-U.S. 大学, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. 曾就读大学.


  • 所需的评估类型 – “course-by-course”
  • Request evaluation >> 韦斯链接此处
    • If you 有 attended more than one non-U.S. 大学, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. 曾就读大学.


  • 所需的评估类型 – “course-by-course”
  • Request evaluation >>  欧洲经委会链接此处
    • If you 有 attended more than one non-U.S. 大学, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. 曾就读大学

2. U.S. 成绩单

如果你上过美国大学.S. 大学或学院, please request an official/final transcript be submitted to Delta State 国际学生服务 either electronic所有y through ESCRIPT or mailed from previous 大学 to:

Coordinator of 国际学生服务/PDSO

3. 英语水平测试

An official 托福考试 or 雅思考试 score report will need to be submitted from the testing center to Delta State University 国际学生服务.


  • 接受的最低分数:
    • 基于互联网的测试- 70
    • 基于纸的测试- 525
    • 基于计算机的测试——196
  • Request score report >>



English language proficiency tests are required for:

  • 大一新生 or international transfer students from Non-English speaking countries.
  • 转移 students 谁 有 不 completed 30 semester hour transfer requirement from U.S. 大学.

English language proficiency tests are waived for:

  • Students from an English speaking country 谁 can provide an official senior certificate or official letter from high school stating that education was completed primarily in the English language.
  • 转移 students that 有 completed 30 semester hour transfer requirement from U.S. 大学.

4. 医疗需求

DSU requires 所有 international applicants submit verification of 2 immunizations for measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹(MMR) & 2), along with an official TB chest x-ray report indicating the applicant does 不 有 any signs of tuberculosis, prior to receiving 大学 acceptance or creation of the I-20.

免疫接种证明a.麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 和 Rubella Proof of immunization of measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和 rubella is required (两个 doses of the MMR vaccine) of 所有 students, unless exempt because of (a) actual or suspected pregnancy (measles or rubella vaccines are 不 required for females 谁 are pregnant; if pregnancy is suspected, a valid certificate of medical exception from a health provider is required until pregnancy is resolved), (b)医疗禁忌, 或(c) 1957年以前出生. Temporary waivers may be granted for students enrolled in distance learning courses 和/or programs where their time on campus is limited to a minimum number of hours as determined by the admitting IHL institution. (BT Minutes, 2/2009; 3/2010; 11/2010)  B.HEPATITIS B Proof of hepatitis B vaccination is required for students 谁 are involved in health education programs that cause them to be potenti所有y exposed to blood or other bodily fluids. (BT Minutes, 1/93; 1/98; 2/2009; 3/2010) C.TUBERCULOSIS Proof of test screening for tuberculosis by chest x-ray 和 interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) performed in the United States prior to the start of classes is required for 所有 国际学生. (BT Minutes, 1/93; 1/98; 2/2009; 3/2010; 2016

Athletic applicants will be required to also submit a sickle cell blood test in addition to the MMR 1 & 2和TB文档.  镰状细胞血检报告会 hinder acceptance or creation of the I-20.


MMR 1 & 2 .免疫记录

  • 必须注明你已经完成了吗 两个 vaccinations for each of the following: measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和 rubella.
  • Record must be signed/dated by the doctor 和 translated into English.
  • 的验证 两个 vaccinations for MMR must be submitted for 大学 acceptance 和 creation of I-20.


  • X-ray report must clearly indicate each of the following 和 be dated within 1 year of program start date:
    • 申请人的名字
    • Test results: “Positive for signs of tuberculosis” (shows signs of TB) or “Negative for signs of tuberculosis” (shows no signs of TB)
    • Doctor’s name (typed) 和 h和written signature
    • Be on official medical facility’s letterhead
    • 翻译成英文
  • Must be submitted for 大学 acceptance 和 creation of I-20.

5. Additional/Specific Academic Program Requirements

Please see the specific academic program 网站 for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, 重新开始.  Please be aware that “Traditional Programs” are the only graduate level programs eligible for F1 visa approval.

6. 经济支持宣誓书

Download 经济支持宣誓书

  • Estimated financial breakdown for one academic year listed on bottom of page 1 of 经济支持宣誓书.
  • Applicant will need to fill out page 1/sign bottom of page 2.
  • Whoever agrees to be financi所有y responsible for applicant while he/she is enrolled at Delta State will need to fill out the sponsor section on page 2.
    • 最多可以有2个财务保荐人.
  • This is required even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.

7. 财务银行对账单

  • This will need to be an official bank statement for 谁ever completes financial sponsor section of Declaration of Financial Support.
  • The statement meet 所有 of the following requirements:
    • 显示账户所有者(赞助商) & bank/financial institution’s name 和 address
    • Show minimum available account balance equal to/greater than agreed sponsorship amount.
    • Be current within the 6 months of DSU program start date
    • 必须签名盖章, 和 dated by an official bank representative
    • Clearly list type of currency being used
  • This will need to be submitted 和 the available account balance must be equal to/greater than agreed sponsorship amount, even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.

8. 住房


  • Optional for 所有 graduate level 国际学生

9. 国际宿舍包

国际学生服务 强烈 建议s 所有的 国际学生 谁打算活下去? 在校园里购买n国际 宿舍Kit 所以他们有 以下项目 readily available upon arrival to campus.  

  • 两张单张(一张平张/一张贴纸) 
  • 轻量级的毯子 
  • 标准枕头 
  • 浴巾 
  • 擦手巾 
  • 洗衣服 
  • 小洗衣篮 
  • 厕纸 

DSU 国际学生服务 will make a trip to Walmart during New Student Orientation so 新 students can purchase school supplies, food/snacks, pe个人物品等. However, 沃尔玛之旅 scheduled 1-2 days after students arrive on campus for orientation. 因此,学生住在校园里 不是预购d a dorm kit may be unable to purchase the items listed above until a few days after arriving on campus.


10. 国际学生保险

DSU requires 所有 国际学生 be enrolled in DSU’s international student health insurance. Students are automatic所有y enrolled upon acceptance 和 re新ed throughout enrollment. Coverage begins on the program start date (first day of classes), is set up in 6 month increments (August 1 – January 31, 二月一日至七月三十一日), 和 will be automatic所有y re新ed each semester of enrollment throughout graduation.

If you begin enrollment with DSU during the spring semester, your 1st insurance payment may be more than the amount indicated on your Declaration of Financial Support because you will need to be covered for an additional month (January).

请参阅我们的 国际 Insurance Summary of Benefits to see a list of services that will be covered by the group policy. For more information, please see the DSU approved international student insurance 网站.

What Do You Need For The F1 Visa Process?