
学术谘询服务 assists and supports students in exploring academic goals, 大学要求, 以及完成学位的进展. 为学生、教职员工提供的服务和资源包括:

  • 学术咨询资源指南
  • 学术咨询
  • 顾问会议准备
  • 更改专业建议
  • 一对一顾问培训
  • 学术顾问专业发展
  • 未决定专业

Please review the resources available on this webpage for answers to the most common questions about academic advising at DSU. If you have questions that aren’t answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


已经有了专业,但正在考虑换专业,还没有决定? 在你做决定之前,与学术咨询服务部门安排一次会议. 我们可以帮助您:

  • 决定选择哪个专业.
  • 探索不同的专业.
  • 回答一般性咨询问题.
  • 了解你的课程如何与你的新专业相适应.
  • 启动Change of Major流程.
  • 重新安排你的学业计划以适应你想要学习的专业.

Talking to an advisor before changing your major will help you make more informed academic decisions by exploring your options and understanding how changing your major can affect you academically. 专业转换建议可以帮助你在专业之间进行选择, 比较专业和项目要求, 让你为部门顾问的任命做好准备.



If you want to declare or change your major, talk to your current advisor first. 如果你还没有决定, you will work with the Coordinator of 学术谘询服务 in Bailey 211. If you have a major, you will work with a faculty advisor in your department. Your academic advisor helps you in all areas of career exploration, including changing your major.


寻找技巧和建议,有效地指导你的学生? 的 学术咨询资源指南 为教师提供的一站式在线资源是否包含技巧, 建议, 常见问题, 以及咨询资源的链接. 请使用本指南的部分内容, 以及这里提供的资源, 帮助发展和简化你的学术咨询过程.



DSU academic advisors have access to a number of online tools to assist in the advising process. 所有系统都可以通过以下命令访问 sakxkr.fc-daudenzell.com/portal.

  • 阿哥斯-用于访问与被建议人信息相关的数据报告, 包括顾问名单, 备用针, 期中考试的成绩, 学生日程安排, 和更多的. 按照以下说明访问报告.
  • 横幅-用于查找所有一般学生信息, 包括目前的GPA, 学术地位, 高中GPA, ACT分数, 以前修过的课程, 和更多的. 下面是学术顾问常用的横幅代码列表.
  • DSU在线服务-用于访问注册信息, 包括备用引脚, 课程的可用性, 学生日程安排, 成绩单, 和更多的. 参见第3节.4.A的 学术咨询资源指南 for step-by-step instructions for accessing 备用针 and registering for classes.
    • 访问信息或一般问题,请致电662-846-4760与OIT联系.
  • 前景—Use as primary contact for communicating with advisees and to access features of Microsoft Office 365. E-mail can be accessed online via myDSU or by using the Microsoft 前景 desktop app.
    • 访问信息或一般问题,请致电662-846-4760与OIT联系.
  • DSU在乎-用于提醒适当的办公室和保密的学术地址, 行为, 健康, 或者安全问题. DSU C.A.R.E.S. web page is designed to help individuals select the appropriate referral system, 视情况而定.
    • 如有紧急情况,请立即拨打662-846-4155与大学警察联系.
    • 有关支持有学术问题的学生的更多信息, 请致电662-846-4897联系SOS预警.
    • 了解更多KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载支持行为障碍学生的信息, 健康, 或者安全问题, 联系学生事务办公室,电话:662-846-4150.


Throughout the academic year, 学术谘询服务 collaborates with the Gertrude C. Ford Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) to provide a number of training and professional development opportunities for DSU academic advisors. 研讨会涵盖了广泛的学术建议主题, 比如一般的咨询策略, 使用学术地图, 和有风险的学生一起工作. 要查看即将举行的活动,请参阅 FCTL网页.

新!学术咨询资源 Canvas shell is a one-stop advisor training and professional development portal for new and experienced academic advisors. Online training and professional development are offered as a convenient alternative to face-to-face workshops. This Canvas shell includes a direct link to the 学术咨询资源指南, 以及远程咨询的提示和表格, 一个新的顾问培训模块, 以及其他建议话题. 每学期都会增加新的模块. 要添加到外壳,电子邮件 dpoole@fc-daudenzell.com的“建议”图标 学院资源门户 在画布上.


Current DSU students are given an opportunity to engage in early registration for the upcoming semester, 通常在4月或11月的头几个星期. 在这一周的预注册期间, 学生可以与他们的导师见面注册课程. While some advisors choose to meet with students for course advisement the week before 预注册 begins, 其他人更喜欢在预注册的那一周见面. 确保你知道你的导师的偏好,并相应地安排时间. 无论何时举行注册咨询会议, you must register on the day that your class/group is eligible for registration during 预注册 week:

  • 周一: 研究生,大四学生,优等生,学生运动员
  • 周二: 初中
  • 周三: 二年级的学生
  • 周四: 新生
  • 星期五: 所有的学生

预登记是在四月的第一周 & 11月

Each semester, campus-wide 预注册 awareness efforts aim to canvas the campus in 橙色 所以大家都知道今天是预注册周. 这些促销活动包括使用橙色的院子标志, 横幅, 传单, 电子邮件提醒, and a sweepstakes in which pre-registered students are able to submit completed schedules for a chance to win prizes. Once promotions begin, contact your advisor proactively to set an appointment. Consider completing the Pre-Advising工作表 below before meeting with your advisor.


All students are assigned an academic advisor who can be very helpful in your course selection and career planning. 如果你还没有决定, 你将被分配到学术咨询服务协调员, 位于学生成功中心, 贝利大厅2楼. If you have a major, you are assigned to a faculty advisor in your department. To find out who your advisor is, call 学术谘询服务 at 662-846-4577 or contact your 学术系主任.

While your advisor is responsible for helping you navigate degree requirements and other aspects of academic progress, 你掌握着主动权. This means that the ultimate responsibility for understanding and completing degree and graduation requirements lies with you, 不是你的导师. Your advisor helps you plan your course schedules and gives you advice to assist you toward timely graduation, 但重要的是,你要花时间跟踪你自己的学位进展.

的re are a number of resources available to help you track your degree progress, including 学术地图本科目录. 学术地图的结构, semester-by-semester schedules that show when each course should be taken throughout an academic program and can be used when you are making decisions about which classes to take. 的 本科目录 includes more detailed information about degree requirements, 的必备条件, 和更多的. 有关这些和其他有用资源的列表,请参见下面的菜单.



不确定自己想学什么专业,也不确定要修什么课程? 没有问题! 我们在这里为您提供课程安排和建议, 给你时间去探索和找到最适合你的学位. DSU requires you to take certain basic courses (General Education) regardless of your major. 尚未决定的学术建议 allows you to complete those requirements while exploring your options.

的 Coordinator of 学术谘询服务 serves as the academic advisor for undecided majors and assists in choosing a major. 作为一个犹豫不决的学生, you are required to participate in early and active exploration of your major and take advantage of opportunities that will help you choose a major. 这包括参加招聘会, 与系里的老师交谈, 和你的导师见面. 在大一结束的时候,你需要选择一个专业. For more information about advisor meetings and other expectations of undecided students, 请联系李维·史密斯, 目的地毕业指导老师, at lsmith@fc-daudenzell.com,或致电662-846-4577).


要了解更多KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载DSU提供的所有专业及其要求, 查看我们的学术地图和学术路径:


学术地图的结构, semester-by-semester schedules that show when each course should be taken throughout an academic program. 的 Map can be used when you are making decisions about which classes to take.





类似于学术地图, an academic pathway is a three-semester course of study that focuses on common General Education classes across a group of majors. 所有尚未决定的学生都必须选择一个学术途径, which allows you to stay on track by taking courses that count for multiple degree areas before choosing a major.

Bailey 216; DSU Box 3204
P: 662.846.4577

S.O.S. (保持秋葵强壮)警惕 系统通过有组织的外展帮助识别和帮助有风险的学生.